02 May 2014


It's been a whirlwind--I arrived Wednesday morning (at 3 am), saw apartments all afternoon (8 of them, starting at 3 pm!), went to dinner and decided on this one after much back and forth (location vs. comfort vs. price). Then yesterday, I went to the gym at the hotel, had breakfast, and then moved in! As it happens, settling in took nearly the entire day, between being shown how all of the heating, air conditioning (!!!), TV/cable, hot water (gas in kitchen, electric in bathroom), and clocks worked.

Everything was great, so I went shopping for essential groceries, returned and discovered that the internet wasn't working! I spoke to the landlady and they were going to get a new wifi router today. As it turns out, this morning I found a router in a closet, found cords in a shoebox, reset the router and - voila! - internet!

Apparently on Tuesdays and Saturdays a man comes around the building with farm-fresh milk and sour cream, so it's ok that the milk I bought yesterday was sour when I opened it (I've added "check expiration date" next to "Milk" on my shopping list!). I can hear chickens and roosters outside, so I suspect there are fresh eggs to be had as well, but it might take extra time to discover!

I'll try to stay on top of updates -- feel free to bug me about it, if I let it slide!

Here is the view from the apartment:

And here you can see the inside:

The results of my first shopping trip!

And my first breakfast (I had already eaten an egg/potato/onion scramble). Yummy pastry is thanks to my lovely landlady, Nana!