26 July 2009

Weekend Travels

So, the picture above is as close as I got to seeing the Araceibo Observatory this weekend. It was the main project of the weekend--the one thing that I wanted to do. Now, why (one might ask) was this all I saw? The woman who was going to show us the observatory (after regular visiting hours) apparently went to the beach instead.

Then, as a second choice, we stopped in Lares (the town where the independencia movement originated), in part because I wanted to see it, but also because there is this ice cream place there that is famous throughout Puerto Rico. Three guesses if it was open...

I did get to take this picture, which was nice.

On the upside, we had a great drive through the hills of central Puerto Rico, which was fun... though I'm not sure my passengers made it through without getting a little car sick!

I went with Mayra and Isaias (who we all call Proxy, per his request). We had a pretty bad meal at a roadside restaurant (but it was real Puerto Rican food, which I liked). I ordered the food of the gods--my new favorite meal--the canoa. This is a sweet plantain, sliced down the center, like a banana split, filled with ground meat (better not to ask what kind), and topped with melted cheese. It's unbelievable. This one had clearly been sitting around for a while, but I've never been one to worry about food preservation! It had the right ingredients anyway (though the cheese on top looked suspiciously like Kraft...

Here's a picture of Mayra, Proxy and me at the restaurant.

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