15 July 2009

Canepas and more

So that's the name of the little sour fruit... They make really great snacks in the middle of a hot afternoon...

I've been getting up every morning at 6 am and doing 15 minutes of yoga, with the sun rise, then making it to breakfast in time for 7 am. I'm loving the heat and humidity here, too much air conditioning is bothering me... I'm begining to wonder what happened to me on the plane that I became a completely different person... :)

We finally got to begin excavating our unit today. Yesterday was all about taking out backfill-- basically random dirt used to fill up a hole that was dug by us in the past. It took a long time, because someone didn't put the plastic down right. There are a couple new people to archaeology and this is my first time reopening a unit, so I said maybe it's a good thing that it was so difficult; now we all know exactly what not to do and why!

We've already uncovered a couple of areas that might be postholes, plus some shell (which I'm excited about, thanks to Prof. McInnis)! It's been painstaking, careful work and I have at least 4 blisters already, but I love it!

Yesterday we were working with a bunch of people, but mainly Hector, Ruhelio, Deb, and Gordon, with some help from Proxy. Today, Gordon got switched out with Maria.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, as long as my legs will get me out of bed! I have to say, I'm looking forward to the weekend... 6 days in a row is jumping in feet first!

Much love to everyone reading... I miss you!


  1. Sounds like you're having a good time thus far. Tell me what you find on your archeology site.

  2. Aww, I am jealous! You and Annette are doing such incredible things on your travels. I don't really know anything about digging or archeology, but you do and it seems to be going well!!

    Miss you lots!

  3. Hi KO,
    Glad to hear all goes well. Keep enjoying! L, D

  4. sounds fulfilling, when ur in the earth its always cooler temp wise?? i would think. here in italy when they do digs they erect shade or else tools would go higher then 115deg for sure (45C). enjoy it all you will miss the heat in the winter :P

