13 July 2009


So I've arrived in Puerto Rico! Got in yesterday afternoon and arrived in Ponce around 6 pm. Today we went to the site, Tibes (pronounced tee-bayss in Spanish, but tee-bay in Puerto Rico). :)
I got sick last night, so I've already been to la doctora and a pharmacy... I consider it a prime opportunity to practice a new Spanish vocabulary. Antonio and Lisa were so great-- making sure I was taken care of and felt better as quickly as possible.
After we got to the site, we unloaded all the supplies and got prepared to start digging tomorrow. We also took a tour of the park that the site is in. There was this enormous mango tree, but no mangoes on the ground for us to try. There was a yummy little sour fruit, that I think I had in Honduras, but I can't remembr it's name...
The site itself is really neat. One main, central plaza...
Time to go to dinner--I'll finish later!

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